Títol del seminari: Evolutionary origin, diversity and traditional uses of Cannabis: first insights from WECANN project
Cannabis is currently one of the most intensively studied plants in several scientific areas. The majority of studies focus on the chemical composition and medicinal values of high-THC and high-CBD plants. However, the diversity of Cannabis is extensive and their uses are much more versatile. Through centuries people have used it not only for its therapeutic properties, but also for production of fibre, textile, paper, food, as wel as in social and religious rituals.
In this talk we will present to you the project WECANN, where we are investigating several aspects of Cannabis: the genus origin, morphological, genetic and chemical variability and tradicional uses. We will present the first database of Cannabis tradicional uses, CANNUSE, and other research topics that we are currently carrying out within the project.
Ponent: Manica Balant, investigadora predoctoral de l’Institut Botànic de Barcelona (CSIC-Ajuntament de Barcelona)
Idioma vehicular: anglès
Mitjà: plataforma ZOOM
Organitza: Institut Botànic de Barcelona (IBB-CSIC)
Els seminaris tenen una periodicitat mensual i acostumen a celebrar-se el darrer dimarts de cada mes a la Sala Salvador de l’Institut Botànic de Barcelona (IBB). Normalment, les presentacions tenen una durada d’entre 30 i 45 minuts i inclouen un torn final de preguntes i respostes per part dels assistents. Estan oberts al públic general i es poden demanar certificats d’assistència personalitzats.
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