Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

NAT Award 2018

Communication NAT Award Previous editions NAT Award 2018

NAT Award winners 2018

In this first edition of 2018, the Nat Award goes to Dr. Frans de Waal and the NAT Honourable Mention goes to Roser Nos Ronchera. In addition, the Natural Science Museum of Barcelona has decided to confer a NAT Extraordinary Award for a Professional Career to the great science communicator, Sir David Attenborough.

NAT Award 2018

Dr. Frans de Waal, biologist, primatologist and writer. For his vision regarding the evolution of animal behaviour in establishing a parallel between primate and human behaviour in aspects such as politics, empathy, morality and justice.

NAT Honourable Mention 2018

Roser Nos Ronchera, biologist. For her scientific, educational and science communication work in Barcelona and especially for her great work in reconnecting the Zoology Museum of Barcelona with the people of Barcelona, when as its director (1981-1989), she launched a programme of activities and temporary exhibitions that opened the Zoology Museum more meaningfully to the public.

NAT Extraordinary Award for a Professional Career 2018

Sir David Attenborough, scientist, writer and naturalist. For his pioneering work in the production of nature and animal behaviour documentaries and for novel perspectives and new interpretations that have influenced conservation work and inspired many people to professionally engage with nature.