The main objectives of the Department of Palaeontology are the management, conservation, research and dissemination of the palaeontological patrimony it curates. The collection of Palaeontology is, from the point of view of volume and scientific value, the most important of the Museum’s geological collections.
Firstly, in terms of management and conservation, the efforts of the department focus on documenting the specimens, improving information-management techniques (implementing new computer programs) and adapting the conservation conditions of the specimens, activities in which we work every day to improve and reach standard levels of conservation.
Secondly, the research carried out in the department principally studies the diversity of life in the past -particularly, in two biotic groups, echinoderms and large foraminifera- and its evolution through geological time. To achieve this goal, technical personnel collect invertebrates in the field in order to study them in collaboration with researchers from Catalan universities and other European institutions.
Finally, the dissemination of the paleontological content of the Museum is carried out through various channels. One is focused on the general public, through the planning of exhibitions, publishing news in different social networks and participating in different activities organized by the Museum. The more specialized, the diffusion is done through the publication of scientific articles and colletion catalogs, and participation in national and international conferences.
Among the other activities promoted by the department is the joint work with collaborators and enthusiasts, facilitating access to the collections for external researchers and taking on students (undergraduate or postgraduate) in work experience. These latter activities also meet the equator objective associated with the museum.
- Staff
- Projects
- Publications
Museum staff
Vicent Vicedo : curator, palaeontology
- Ángeles Zamora
- Gerard Lucena
- Juan Campreciós
- J. Àlex Ossó
- Jordi Vidal: imaging and photography consultant
Documentation and conservation projects
The main projects carried out in the Department of Palaeontology are those relating to the documentation and conservation of the collections and most of the human and economic resources are devoted to developing these projects.
The projects currently being developed are the following:
- Inventory of the general palaeontology collection
- Inventory and documentation of the fossil invertebrates of the Villalta collection
- Improvement of conservation techniques
- Implementation of new techniques for managing computer databases of the collections
- Publication of the collection data in catalogues, palaeobiodiversity portals, etc
Research projects
The research projects carried out at the Department of Palaeontology are part of the stable line of research of the museum called “Palaeobiodiversity and marine palaeoenvironments“.
Publications and resources associated with the documentation and conservation projects
- Vicedo, V. & Gallemí, J., 2015. Las col·lecciones paleobotánicas del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona: paradigma de la utilidad del patrimonio geológico en el avance del conocimiento científico y museológico. En: A. Hilario, M. Mendia, M. Monge-Ganuzas, E. Fernández, J. Vegas y A. Belmonte (eds.). Patrimonio geológico y geoparques, avances de un camino para todos. Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 18: 455-458. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Madrid.
- Vicedo, V., Troya, L. & Gallemí, J, 2015. La colección paleontológica J.F. de Villalta del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona. En: A. Hilario, M. Mendia, M. Monge-Ganuzas, E. Fernández, J. Vegas y A. Belmonte (eds.). Patrimonio geológico y geoparques, avances de un camino para todos. Cuadernos del Museo Geominero, 18: 459-464. Instituto Geológico y Minero de España, Madrid.
- Gallemí, J., Vicedo, V., López, G. & Troya, L., 2013. La collecció paleontològica Gómez-Alba del MGB-MCNB. Treballs del Museu de Geologia de Barcelona, 19: 59-147.
- Vicedo, V. & Gallemí, J., 2012. Gestión documental de las colecciones de micropaleontología: informatización y acceso online. XXVIII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Sóller, Mallorca (Espanya), Libro de resúmenes: 143-145 (J.-C. Liao, J. A. Gámez Vintaned, J. I. Valenzuela-Ríos & A. Gracía-Forner, Eds.). Dept. de Geologia, Univ. de Valencia.
Publications and resources associated with the research projects
See research programme “Biostratigraphy and Palaeobiogeography of the Tethys Sea”