Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

Sagrada Familia: pedres del temple, roques del temps

Museu de Zoologia 2002

Visitan's ExhibitionsExposicions temporalsPrevious Sagrada Familia: pedres del temple, roques del temps

This exhibition formed part of the events held during the Year of Gaudí. Rocks used in the initial construction of the temple, as well as those used currently, were displayed. Each rock sample had a cut block (rough and polished cuts) and the thin sections were presented in large format photomicrography. A text described the specimen’s main petrographic features. The exhibition was complemented by photographs and maps of the temple.

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Thin sections of rocks of the Temple

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Collaborators: Thin Section Unit of Division III of the University of Barcelona (rock preparation) and R. Navarro, V. Planella, and J. A. Samper (photomicrography).

Museu de Ciències Naturals de la Ciutadella (Edifici de Geologia)