Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

Monkeys. A primate story

Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona 12/12/2019 - 29/11/2020

Visitan's ExhibitionsExposicions temporalsPrevious Monkeys. A primate story

We are primates!

From huge gorillas to tiny mouse lemurs, we are all primates.

Discover how we are related to every other primate and explore how each species has adapted to survive in a wide diversity of habitats. Find out how primates eat, move, communicate and survive in an ever-changing world.

With over seven billion humans in the world, our activities are putting most of our closest relatives at risk of extinction. Let’s act together to help save them before it’s too late.

The exhibition

The exhibition features 60 spectacular new taxidermy specimens created by National Museums Scotland specialists, alongside a host of interactives, film, models and photography.

Visitors can discover how different primates move and communicate, how they’ve developed tools to get hold of food and their complex social systems. It also examines the relationship between humans and primates, including the ways in which many species are threatened with extinction through the impact of habitat loss and hunting.

This exhibition includes a photo show inspired by primates from the artist Montserrat Pallàs.

Press dossier click on this link

12/12/2019 - 29/11/2020
Temporary exhibitions Hall, Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona
Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 to 18h
Saturdays from 10 to 19h
Sundays and holidays days from 10 to 20h
Closed: Mondays except holidays, January 1, May 1, June 24 and December 25
Admission fee:
Admission fees for Monkeys Normal: 6,5 € Reduced (*): 4,50 € (*) Consulteu les categories d’entrada reduïda
Combined ticket permanent exhibition and Monkeys 10,5
A National Museums Scotland exhibition, touring in association with Nomad Exhibitions
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