Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

Aliens! La invasió de les espècies exòtiques

Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona From 25th March 2012 to 31st January 2013

Visitan's ExhibitionsExposicions temporalsPrevious Aliens! La invasió de les espècies exòtiques

The arrival of alien species in a territory can have serious consequences not just for the natural environment but also for the quality of life of human beings.

Come and find out who they are, how they got here, and the mischief they can do!

A tour of the exhibition

This exhibition is a chance to reflect on the problems involved in the introduction of exotic species both at regional and worldwide level.

However, it is important to differentiate between autochthonous species (that is, those which have developed in a particular area without the aid of human intervention) and exotic or alien species (those introduced through man’s intervention). In particular, this latter group includes those species which give more cause for concern: the invasive alien species. Based on the description of the repercussions they can have, the exhibition showcases the solutions that have been developed at different levels, ending with the actions being implemented in the lake at Banyoles, through the Estany Project (European Union LIFE project) to prevent the extinction of the autochthonous species as a result of the arrival of the invasive alien species.

The exhibition is structured in five different stages:

Stage 0. Introduction
Presenting the three main autochthonous species of Lake Banyoles which are in danger of extinction as a result of the presence of invasive alien species.

Stage 1. Definitions
Presenting the concepts of autochthonous, alien and invasive alien species.

  • Section 1: autochthonous and alien species.
  • Section 2: interactive module and invasive alien species.
  • Section 3: invasive species established in our environment.

Stage 2. Cases
Presenting various cases at different levels (worldwide, European, nationwide, Catalonia) of the effects caused by invasive alien species, and the solutions implemented, where possible.

Stage 3. The case of Lake Banyoles
Presenting the specific case of the lake in Banyoles, as well as the action taken by the Lake Consortium, through the Estany Project, to protect the autochthonous species.

Stage 4. Conclusions
Exhibition within the framework of the Estany Project, a European Union Life project developed by the Lake Consortium and the Darder Museum, the lake interpretation centre. With the collaboration of the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona (Natural History Museum of Barcelona).


Exhibition tryptic


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From 25th March 2012 to 31st January 2013
'Science and more' area
Admission fee:
Free entrance