Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

Dossiers and press releases

Communication Press Dossiers and press releases

Here you will find information about the exhibitions, collections, activities and research of the Museum.


  • Once upon a time

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Press release (in Catalan)

  • (In)visibles y (O)cultas

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Press release (in Catalan)

  • More than bees

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Press release (in Catalan)

  • Una mirada LGTBI a Planeta Vida

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Press note (in Catalan)

Nat Award 2021

Award ceremony for the Nat Award 2021. From left to right: Anna Omedes, director of the MCNB, Ada Colau, mayor of Barcelona and Nalini Nadkarni, Nat Award 2021 winner.

Award ceremony for the Nat Award 2021. From left to right: Anna Omedes, director of the MCNB, Ada Colau, mayor of Barcelona and Nalini Nadkarni, Nat Award 2021 winner.

Press release (in Catalan)

Press conference

Carles Lalueza, becomes the new director of the Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona


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To access the current news of the museum, go to link

