Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

4 Resultats de cerca per serradell

  • Non-arthropod invertebrates

    The concept of non-arthropod invertebrates makes no biological sense but answers the organizational requirements that traditionally exist in museums and academic institutions. The Department of Non-Arthropod Invertebrates of the museum...

  • Palaeontological

    In 1891, the first major palaeontological collection of the Museum (then the Martorell Museum) was acquired from F. Pisani, a Paris merchant. This collection soon had others added as a...

  • Mineralogical

    The mineralogy collection contains over 26,000 specimens. Created from the Manuel Martorell collections and specimens from the Universal Exhibition of 1888, in recent years it has been enriched with a...

  • Petrological

    The Museum’s petrological collection consists of a variety of rock specimens (more than 16,000 registered items) from different sources, a collection of thin sections (over 4,000 preparations) for the purpose...