Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

Baby Animals

Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona 07/07/2021 - 08/05/2022

Visitan's ExhibitionsExposicions temporalsPrevious Baby Animals

The exhibition immerses 3-8 year old children and their families in the fascinating world of «Baby Animals», from birth to independence. The aim of the exhibition is to introduce the little ones to simple notions of animal biology and behavior and invite them to compare themselves with them to become aware of their own development.

With a museography of bright colors and welcoming materials, the exhibition is presented as an adventure playground with numerous corporal and sensory games and multimedia activities that invite you to touch, feel, imitate, observe, get excited and marvel at the baby animals.

Throughout the tour, divided into six stages -Birth, Threat and Protection, Learning, Vital functions, Development and Independence- children and their families will find 75 naturalized specimens, 9 multimedia activities, 30 audiovisual activities (real image and cartoons) and 13 educational and fun activities that will invite them, for example, to make a nest, to camouflage  to avoid predators, or to carry eggs on their back like the adult toad does.

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The exhibition, which has been tested and approved in its design process for children aged 3 to 8, presents two levels of reading: images for the youngest and texts for the older children and the accompanying adults.

More information: Press release


  • All the animals died from natural causes. No animals were harmed to produce the exhibition.
07/07/2021 - 08/05/2022
Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Sundays and public holidays, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Admission fee:
Entrance to "Baby Animals" exhibition Normal: 6.5 € Reduced (*): 4.50 € Combined "Planet Life" and "Baby Animals" exhibition 10.5 € (*) See reduced entry categories
Tickets are purchased at the box office directly. No reservation required.
With the collaboration of:
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