Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

Botanical Garden

Science Scientific departments Botanical Garden

  • Staff
  • Projects

Museum staff

  • Núria Abellán : assistant curator, nursery collections

  • Miriam Aixart : curator, seed bank

  • David Bertran : curator, Garden collections

  • Clara González : curator, Garden collections

External services

  • Angel Hernansaez, Live plant collections , Aprèn Serveis Ambientals
  • Pere Casbas, Garden of the Masia del Jardí Botànic Històric , Aprèn Serveis Ambientals

Documentation on the Collections

It is hoped that the collections of plants represented in the Botanical Garden will serve as reference material for many works and studies and for species recognition. For this reason, it is very important to compile full documentation on all the specimens that form the collections.

Botanical gardens provide the basic information for identifying plants in the form of labels. This information includes:

  • THE FAMILY: species belongs to
  • THE SCIENTIFIC NAME: universal binomial nomenclature -in Latin- to denominate the alive beings formed by a generic name (the same one for all the ejusdem generis organisms) and for a specific name (characteristic of the species)
  • THE COMMON NAME: in the languages considered appropriate

Research projects

Conservation of Mediterranean flora