Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona


Science Documentation Centre Presentation Archives

All the documents produced and received by the Museum in the exercise of its activities are collated in the Archives. There, from the files, bills, reports and certificates we can ascertain the provenance and background of the collections, the building and the staff. The documentation dates back to when the Museum was founded, in 1878, and covers the whole lifespan of the Board of Natural Sciences of Barcelona; moreover, its content, beyond the administrative aspect and support for the study of the collections, is an essential source of information on Catalonia’s natural history.

Types of documents

  • Formation and maintenance of the collections of specimens (purchase, harvesting, exchange, donation)
  • Research
  • Display
  • Organisation of activities
  • Communication and marketing
  • Administrative management
  • Document management

 The photography archive contains 15,000 units, which have yet to be catalogued. It is managed by the Documentation Centre.

For further information:

Contact us

Castell dels Tres Dragons buiding
Passeig Picasso, s/n
08003 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 256 22 15

Visiting by appointment: dm a dv 9-14h