Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

Gemmes de la península Ibèrica, les grans desconegudes

Museu de Geologia March 2004

Visitan's ExhibitionsExposicions temporalsPrevious Gemmes de la península Ibèrica, les grans desconegudes

Geography on the peninsula has historically been related to the exploitation, by peoples and societies, of mineral resources, including precious stones. Thus, gem cutting has had, from prehistoric times to our days, a long tradition on the Iberian peninsula.

A careful review of the Peninsula’s mineral species has revealed the existence of a surprising amount and variety of source material. Examples include variscite from the Neolithic mines of Can Tintorer (Barcelona), amethyst from Montseny, jet from Galicia, and citrine quartz from Salamanca.

This exhibit is the result of research studies and gem cutting on the peninsula. Josep M. Serrano Serra, gemologist, and Montse Bagué Cubí, jeweller, both gem-cutters, have been able to extract the beauty of the finished pieces from each rough-cut specimen.

The exhibit displays, then, the result of many years of experience and artistic activity. The material on display shows an enormous variety of specimens and many types of cut: cabochons, faceted, and carved.

Selection, identification, and cutting of gems: Josep M. Serrano and Montse Bagué

March 2004
Museu de Ciències Naturals de la Ciutadella (Geology Building)
Museu de Ciències Naturals de la Ciutadella