Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

Useful information

The NAT Venues Centre Martorell d'Exposicions Useful information



  • How to get there


    Centre Martorell d’Exposicions

    Passeig Picasso, 9
    Parc de la Ciutadella
    08003 Barcelona
    Tel.: 934132293




    L4 Jaume I ; Bogatell
    L1 Arc de Triomf


    T4: Parada Marina


    V19, H16, B20, B25


    The Museum does not have its own parking facilities. Nearest car parks: Passeig Lluís Companys, Passeig del Born, Plaça de la Catedral, Avinguda Cambó and Via Laietana.


    Nearest stations: Passeig Lluís Companys-Parc de la Ciutadella, Carrer Comerç and Avinguda Marquès de l’Argentera (opposite Estació de França train station).

  • Opening times and admission fees

    Opening times

    From October to February

    • Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 19 h
    • Sundays, holidays and open days, from 10 to 20 h

    From March to September

    • Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 to 20 h
    • Holidays and open days, from 10 to 20 h

    Note: last admission half an hour before closing time.

    During the open days, access to the Martorell Center will be through the Ciutadella Park.


    • Mondays (except public holidays)
    • January 1, May 1, June 24, and December 25

    Admission fees

    • General admission: 5 €
    • Reduced admission: 2,5 €

    Free admission

    • The first Sunday of every month, all day; and Sundays throughout the year, from 15 h
    • February 12 (Saint Eulàlia); May 18 (International Museum Day), and September 24 (La Mercè)

    Buy your online tickets at this link.

    More information about admission fees:

    Who is eligible for reduced admission fee?

    • People aged from 16 to 29 years
    • People aged 65 and over
    • Unemployed people and holders of the targeta rosa reduïda (“Reduced Pink Card”)
    • Families with a maximum of two accompanying adults, providing one is the father, the mother or the legal guardian. There must be at least one member under 16 years
    • Holders of the família nombrosa large family card
    • Holders of the família monoparental single parent family card
    • Holders of the Biblioteques de Barcelona library membership card
    • Holders of BCN Card express
    • Groups of ten or more people

    In all cases, accreditation must be provided to prove the right to reduced admission prices.

    Free admission

    • Minors below 16 years
    • Members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM)
    • Members of the Associació de Museòlegs de Catalunya (Association of Museologists of Catalonia)
    • Professional tourist guides exercising their profession
    • Formal education teachers
    • Holders of the targeta rosa gratuïta (“Free Pink Card”)
    • Holders of the metropolitan pass for carers of people with disabilities
    • Holders of the Generalitat acreditation disability Card
    • Journalists
    • Holders of the BCN Card
    • Registered people in “Gaudir més Barcelona” with free access to the  exhibitions

    In all cases, accreditation must be provided to prove the right to reduced admission prices
