Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

Assassinat al Museu

Museu de Zoologia March 2008

Visitan's ExhibitionsExposicions temporalsPrevious Assassinat al Museu

On Tuesday morning, the dead body of the Museum director was found on the floor of his office. What happened?

Thus begins “Assassinat al Museu” (Murder at the Museum), a surprising exhibition that challenges visitors to be detectives for a day. Observing the crime scene and using various techniques commonly employed by detectives in real life, you’ll be able to draw conclusions and find out who the murderer is.

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This activity will both captivate and keep the visitor in suspense until the very end. Each step forward in the investigation allows the visitor to incorporate new evidence so that, in the end, the visitor is a key part of the final resolution of the case.

The exhibition presents techniques used in criminology that include fields such as chemistry, biology, physics, dentistry, entomology, and ballistics. Eight different laboratories give an overview of these techniques and also help the visitor to resolve the crime.


March 2008
Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona (Zoology Building)