Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona


Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona From December 19th 2013 to April 12th 2015

Visitan's ExhibitionsExposicions temporalsPrevious Enverinats

  • Introduction
  • Premsa

Poison, the means that certain organisms use in order to survive, has terrified and fascinated humans since the beginning of time.

The exhibition ‘Enverinats’ (Poisoned) introduces us to the world of venoms, showing us how they work and how they are used, dispelling false beliefs and revealing little-known aspects of these toxic substances, which can kill a person in minutes but can also cure diseases.


The show gives visitors a close-up view of nearly 50 living poisonous animals, including rattlesnakes, tarantulas and scorpions. We can learn how they behave, why they attack and the place they occupy on the scale of dangerousness. These animals are accompanied by a wide range of plants, mushrooms and minerals, as well as audiovisuals and objects that enable us to discover the facts about poisons from the standpoints of biology, physiology and chemistry. This is, then, a multidisciplinary approach to understanding and respecting these organisms, which are as important as any other for maintaining balance in ecosystems and which, nevertheless, have often been systematically eradicated due to their bad reputation.


De dimarts a dissabte, de 10 a 19 h
Diumenges i festius, de 10 a 20 h
Dies de tancament: dilluns no festius, l’1 de gener, l’1 de maig, el 24 de juny i el 25 de desembre


Exposició temporal “Enverinats
. Normal: 5 €
. Reduïda (*): 3,50 €

Combinada exposició de referència “Planeta Vida” i exposició temporal “Enverinats”
. Normal: 9 €
. Reduïda (*): 5 €

(*)Consulteu les categories d’entrada reduïda

. Menors de 16 anys.
. Jornades de portes obertes: primer diumenge de mes durant tota la jornada i tots els diumenges, a partir de les 15 h; també les altres jornades de portes obertes puntuals que es programin durant l’any.
. Els Amics/Amigues de l’Associació d’Amics del Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona i de l’Associació d’Amics del Jardí Botànic de Barcelona, poden entrar gratuïtament ells/elles i un acompanyant.

Més informació de gratuïtat cliqueu aqui

Documents that might interest you

From December 19th 2013 to April 12th 2015
Museu Blau: temporary exhibition gallery
Tuesday to Friday, from 10 to 18 h
Saturday, from 10 to 19h
Sunday and holidays, from 10 to 20 h
Closed: Mondays except holidays, January 1, May 1, June 24 and December 25
Admission fee:
Admission fees Normal: €5 reduced (*): €3.50
Combined ticket: 'Planeta Vida' + 'Enverinats' exhibitions Normal: 9 € reduced (*): 5 € (*)Consulteu les categories d’entrada reduïda
Free admission See groups eligible for reduced admission price aqui
Grupo Atrox