Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona

Hierro, l’erupció amagada

Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona From 22nd February until 5th June of 2012

Visitan's ExhibitionsExposicions temporalsPrevious Hierro, l’erupció amagada

This exhibition brings visitors closer the world of volcanoes through the El Hierro submarine eruption. Mainly, it illustrates how the eruption was predicted, how the monitoring was carried out and what have been their main features and effects.

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The exhibition is divided into six vertical spaces where are the explanatory panels, which recreate a way of interpretation. Visitors will find different tracks, which are the same as scientists have found to interpret the El Hierro submarine eruption. The aim is that at the end of the exhibition visitors have experienced to be volcanologists.

Space 1: Introduction to volcanism
Space 2: Volcanism in the Canary Islands and geological evolution of El Hierro
Space 3: Preparation of the eruption
Space 4: The eruption
Space 5: The causes of the eruption. What has really happened? Geological models of the eruption and its evolution
Space 6: The effects of the eruption and its management



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